Posted by JF&CS

Supporting JF&CS and Family Table has been such an integral part of the Bilezikian family makeup for so long that Jeff and Nancy can't remember the exact date they started supporting the organization. They do know it was back in the early days of Family Table - and that they were impressed with the organization, efficiency, and forward-thinking attitude of the food pantry from day one.
Seeing the Big Picture
"When we started donating, JF&CS was ahead of the curve on the nutrition end of things," said Jeff Bilezikian, estimating that their first involvement must have been a dozen years ago. "When you provide food to individuals in need, you can give them just about anything - or you can take the time to provide the good stuff, like nutritious complete meals. JF&CS takes the time to educate clients and provide full nutrition."Seeing the big picture is important to Jeff and Nancy. They like giving to an organization that is constantly growing and evolving. "There's no doing something just because it's how it has always been done," said Jeff.
For Nancy Bilezikian, educating clients is almost as important as providing a full range of fruits and vegetables. JF&CS doesn't just hand out food and send families on their way. In fact, Nancy has been involved in demonstrating how to cook healthy foods on a budget. "I really appreciate the health and nutrition aspects of the program," she said. "It's important to me when I see the overall respect Family Table has for clients and the emphasis placed on education."
"From increasing the balance of the food we provide to offering hands-on demonstrations, the support of the Bilezikian family ensures our work continues. They embody the spirit of our work," said Bernice Behar, Director of Family Table.
Volunteering as a Family
The Bilezikians give in both time and financial support. They've volunteered with their daughters packing food at Family Table in the past, "We're able to give and it's nice to have a program to feel confident to give in," said Nancy."We feel that giving is a part of living in this world. No matter how much each of us has - we all have something to give to others. A smile, a kind word, a helping hand, and even financial support. G-d has blessed our family and we want to use our resources to bless others. JF&CS is an organization that provides quality services and respect for its clients and reflects our Judeo-Christian values.
"We all have decisions to make regarding how we spend our time and it's important to us that we show our daughters, albeit imperfectly, that giving of ourselves through volunteering and thinking of others in our day to day lives makes a difference in this world.
"Whatever we do as volunteers is just a little drop in a bucket, but it's nice to be a part of it. I know that the community has many people who do much more, and we're happy to be a part of it. It's a small humbling piece that we get to add to it."
If you would like to volunteer at a Family Table food distribution, please fill out one of our application forms: Waltham Application, North Shore Application, South Area Application. A schedule of upcoming distribution days can be found here.