Our Services
If inflation is making it hard to put food on your family's table, our table is open.
"Let all who are hungry come and eat."
- Passover Haggadah

If inflation is making it hard to put food on your family's table, our table is open. We are excited to share that we have expanded access to Family Table, Jewish Family & Children’s Service’s free, kosher food pantry, and are accepting new clients. Family Table provides the following:
- A full set of groceries each month, including farm fresh produce and whole grain products
- Jewish holiday and ritual items, including challah and Shabbat candles
- Personal hygiene items such as soap, toothpaste, and shampoo
- Recipes using pantry foods created by a registered dietitian
- Connections to resources that can help you and your family find stability during these uncertain times
Our services are confidential and open to families with young children, people with disabilities, older adults living on fixed incomes, Holocaust survivors, survivors of domestic abuse, people who have experienced job loss or underemployment, and anyone else facing food insecurity.
If you are interested in accessing this service, applying is easy! Please fill out this form and a member of our JF&CS team will get in touch with you. To contact us with any questions, email us at familytable@jfcsboston.org or call 781-693-5593.
Know anyone in the Jewish community who would benefit from these services? Feel free to share the news of our expansion and send them our way!
You can learn more about Family Table here.
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