Shared by Bernice Behar
Tell us about the Ride for Food.
The Ride for Food is a grassroots biking fundraiser to support local food pantries like Family Table. On September 21, members of the JF&CS Family Table riding team will join with 11 other food pantry teams on a scenic bike ride to raise funds to fight hunger in our communities. Riders can choose routes of 12, 25, or 50 miles and all the money the Family Table riders raise will support Family Table. If our team raises at least $10,000 we will even earn "bonus money," (from the money raised by the organizers of the Ride). It's going to be a very fun event, with lots of food, raffle prizes, and good spirit—all for a great cause!
Why are you participating?
We are excited to be participating this year because it is a fantastic new way for us to engage more people who are passionate about the work of Family Table. We expect to have a team of around 20 riders, all of whom are enthusiastic about biking and committed to helping those in need. Each of them, in turn, is reaching out to their personal networks and educating them about Family Table. Even those who choose not to donate will have learned more about Family Table, so it's a win no matter what. The Ride for Food is also a great way for Family Table to interact more with other food pantries in the area. Ultimately, the better we know each other, the better we can support each other in the fight against hunger.
What is one of your favorite memories working with JF&CS Family Table?
I'm not sure if "memory" is the right word, but my most rewarding moments are the ones when I know I've made some connection with a client, even a small one. I remember every delivery I've ever made, not because the recipients have necessarily expressed gratitude (though many do) but because I know how much it means to someone who can't readily access a grocery store to have food brought to their door. I love talking to the children who come to Family Table Marketplace with their parents, giving them some crayons so they can draw a picture while their parents pack their bags and hanging their pictures up for them to see. I enjoy the surprise and amusement on the faces of the elderly Russian clients when I speak my two or three words of Russian. I also really enjoy listening as our awesome staff and volunteers talk with the clients at Marketplace about the produce we're offering, trading recipe ideas, and encouraging people to try items that they may not be familiar with.
What is your favorite food?
Blueberries! I will take fresh blueberries over chocolate, believe it or not.