Posted by JF&CS

Since March 1, the public health crisis has changed dramatically, upending our community emotionally, medically, logistically, and financially. We know that this is a challenging time for many of the people we serve as well as many others who have recently lost wages or been fired or laid off. In addition, social distancing has left many people feeling lonely and isolated.

Whether you are already a client of JF&CS or you find yourself in need of help due to the current situation, please let us know.

Helping aging individuals and their families

  • CJP SeniorDirect is the only call you need to make – we will direct you to services and resources to help you or your family member. Call us today at 800-980-1982.

Promoting community, housing, access, and independence for people of all abilities

  • If you are looking for support or services for a family member with a disability, call our Disability Resource Network today at 781-693-5640.

Serving individuals and families struggling with low income

  • We can help you get the assistance you need. Call the CJP Warmline at 800-CJP-9500.
  • Our current food pantry clients, over 500 households, will all receive their food on schedule, with some adaptations to ensure health and social distancing protocols.
  • Emergency groceries or grocery store gift cards are also available for individuals and families that qualify.
  • If you need emergency financial assistance, please call our intake line at 781-693-1388. You may qualify for a grant or interest-free loan.

Serving domestic abuse survivors and those who care about them

  • During the COVID19 crisis, being at home with a controlling or abusive partner can be especially unsafe and challenging. Journey to Safety, the JF&CS response to domestic abuse, is here to help.
  • Direct Services are available for survivors of domestic abuse by phone or video chat. We can provide support, safety planning, domestic abuse counseling, legal referrals and protective order assistance, emergency financial assistance, and access to resources.
  • Consultation Services are available for family members/friends or professionals.
  • Call 781-647-JFCS (5327) during business hours and ask for the Journey to Safety Intake Line or email
  • All services are available in English and Russian.
  • For after-hours support, call, text, or chat online 24/7 with the National Domestic Violence Hotline or call Massachusetts SafeLink at (877) 785-2020.

Supporting parents with young children

  • New parents can join support groups via Zoom to stay connected and address concerns associated with postpartum anxiety or depression.
  • If you are taking care of children of different ages, we can offer ideas to keep children busy as well as information on how to talk to children about COVID-19.
  • For new parents who receive home visits, many of our wonderful volunteers are connecting with our clients by phone or video chat.

Call us to learn more: 781-647-JFCS (5327)