<p>Join JF&amp;CS and the Massachusetts March of Dimes for a FREE conference for families affected by premature birth.</p> <h3>Part 1: Guest Speakers Barbara &amp; Richard Van Hoosen</h3> <p><em>Perspective on prematurity: a mother and father share their unique viewpoints of a shared experience.</em><br /> Presenters Barbara &amp; Richard Van Hoosen are the parents of a former 23-weeker who had a traumatic, complicated NICU stay. They will share their perspectives on those 112 uncertain days.</p> <h3>Part 2: Parent Discussion Groups</h3> <ul> <li>Prematurity and the impact on fathers</li> <li>Prematurity and the impact on the couple's relationship</li> <li>The journey from prematurity to special needs</li> <li>The experience of managing post-traumatic stress symptoms after prematurity</li> <li>Exploring the ongoing feelings of grief and loss after prematurity</li> <li>Prematurity and feeding issues</li> <li>Prematurity and sleep issues</li> </ul> <h3>Part 3: Open Group Discussion</h3> <p>Parents will have the opportunity to come together and share their experiences from the smaller group conversations.</p> <p><strong>When: </strong>Sunday, November 20<br /> 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.<br /> (Registration and light lunch from 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)</p> <p><strong>Where:&nbsp;</strong>JF&amp;CS Headquarters<br /> 1430 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451</p> <p><a href="http://bit.ly/JourneyThroughPrematurity2016" target="_blank" class="button">Register</a></p> No cost to attend, infants in arms welcome. <p>Questions? Contact Deborah Walker at&nbsp;<a href="mailto:dwalker@jfcsboston.org">dwalker@jfcsboston.org</a> or &nbsp;781-693-5652.</p>