Shared by Jamie Grossman, JF&CS Board President
How did you first get involved with JF&CS?I grew up outside of Philadelphia where my mother was very involved with JF&CS Philadelphia. She actually served on their Board and was Board President as well! Many years later, when my daughters were at the Rashi School, my friend Liz Baum asked me if I would be interested in joining the JF&CS Board here in Boston. It was an immediate yes for me and I have served on the Board for 17 years!
What are you most looking forward to in your time as JF&CS Board President?
I often tell my friends that I am proud of JF&CS and I really am. I have had the good fortune to watch a program being built from the start (Shoulder to Shoulder). This process provided me with invaluable insight into how the programs are operated, the tremendous collaboration that takes place among staff throughout the agency, and the care taken for each individual client. I have enjoyed many one-on-one meetings with Board members and I am most excited by their enthusiasm. We have an incredible Board made up of caring and passionate individuals who are constantly and consistently asking what more they can do for JF&CS. There is an excitement for the work we are all doing. I am looking forward to building on that enthusiasm both within our Board and throughout the community.
Share with us your favorite JF&CS memory.
The first thing that comes to mind is the Board meeting several years ago where we presented Shoulder to Shoulder. As a new program focused on the military, an unfamiliar client community for JF&CS, I was unsure how the Board and staff would react. The response was overwhelmingly positive. I received immediate offers for assistance and connections from the Board. Many staff members shared stories of military service in their families. JF&CS demonstrated their capacity for inclusion for community members who may not be obvious clients. For me it was a powerful experience to see just how far JF&CS will go to make sure that people in need know we are there to help.
What is the best advice you've ever been given?
To believe that I can accomplish any goal I set for myself.
Recommend a book.
Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. A fictional account of the battle at Gettysburg, this novel places you in the mind and hearts of the soldiers who fought so bravely during the Civil War.