JF&CS News Winter 2017
"I don't know where I would be without JF&CS"
"JF&CS saved my life"
"Because of JF&CS I can give my family a better life"
These profound statements illustrate the work and mission of JF&CS. Every single day we improve people's lives, and in some cases, we change lives for generations to come. We do this by establishing relationships with our clients and taking the time to get to know them and their families. We talk with clients about their objectives and goals and the obstacles they face such as hunger, homelessness, and financial instability, and we try to support them by giving them food, emergency financial assistance, and legal advice. We also provide the tools to develop positive connections with their children and to help them navigate services for aging parents. We strengthen families and create generational change by giving loans and scholarships to advance educational and professional opportunities.
However, we do not do this work alone. On the pages that follow, you will learn about our partnerships with donors like Cindy and Rubin Gruber, Jackie Bechek, Debby Stein Sharpe, the Krupp Family Foundation, and remarkable corporations like Eastern Bank. In addition you will learn about our proud associations with Keshet, CJP, Alzheimer's Association, and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs of Massachusetts.
I call this "the Power of Community," and on April 12, 2018, I hope you will join us as we celebrate and honor Barry Shrage, President of Combined Jewish Philanthropies. More than any person I know, Barry has the gift of mobilizing people to work for and give back to their community. Over the past 30 years, Barry has strengthened our community by creating partnerships with synagogues, agencies, and day schools, and most recently with Catholic Charities to address the legal issues facing immigrants. I think that Barry's greatest lesson and legacy is that we each have the power to change lives and make a difference.
I am inspired every day by our donors, volunteers, and staff who give their time, talents, and resources to transform and enrich the lives of families for generations. I look forward to seeing you on April 12!