Posted by Bernice Behar, JF&CS Family Table Program Manager
I hope you are enjoying your summer and finding ways to beat the heat. We have just completed our July distribution, and thanks to many of our regular volunteers and a whole crew of first-time helpers, we successfully distributed groceries to approximately 260 very appreciative families. They were especially pleased to receive a bounty of summer produce including fresh tomatoes, summer squash, asparagus, and really delicious strawberries.
We are also working hard planning for the fall, which will be here before we know it! Our High Holiday distribution takes place on September 12 this year, falling right between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. As always, we plan to help our recipient families celebrate the holidays by providing traditional holiday foods like chicken, matzo ball soup, and, of course, round challah.
New this fall, we look forward to kicking off the "Family Table Food Revolution," our initiative to offer the healthiest food possible to our recipients. Our goal is to provide all whole grain products and as many fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables as we can every month.