Our Services
The Jewish Domestic Violence Coalition of Greater Boston (JDVC) was created in 1994 to unite concerned organizations and individuals in an effective response to domestic abuse in the Jewish community.

JDVC focuses on:
- Raising awareness
- Sharing information/networking
- Cross-training professionals to link Jewish survivors with culturally- and religiously-informed support and information
Download a brochure of this information.
Domestic abuse/violence is a learned and reinforced pattern of behaviors used by one person to establish control in an intimate relationship. Domestic abuse includes emotional, verbal, financial, physical, spiritual, and sexual abuse. Partners may be married or not, living together or apart.
Facts About Domestic Abuse
- Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of race, class, gender, culture, age, sexual orientation, economic status, or level of education.
- Domestic abuse occurs in Jewish families at about the same rate as it does in families of other religions (15-25%).
- According to studies, Jewish women stay longer in abusive relationships than non-Jewish women - 7 to 15 years versus 3 to 5 years.
- Whether or not children are physically hurt by an abusive parent, domestic abuse has a significant impact on their cognitive and emotional development.
- Domestic abuse happens in every kind of Jewish home, regardless of denomination or other affiliation.
- Victims, survivors, and surviving family members are more likely to disclose the abuse to someone in their faith community than they are to seek help from the police.
*Citations available from JDVC upon request.
Does your partner/spouse:
- Make it difficult for you to see family and friends?
- Make decisions for you?
- Frighten you?
- Hurt you?
Do you:
- Feel like you are walking on eggshells?
- Feel disrespected?
- Feel like things are getting worse?
If so, know that the abuse is not your fault, you are not alone, and confidential help is available.
24 Hour Resources
- Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.
- Go to the nearest emergency room if you need immediate medical attention.
- Call Safelink, the toll-free, statewide hotline, at 1-877-785-2020. Safe-Link operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
JDVC Members Can Help
Jewish Resources
- Journey to Safety, the Jewish Family & Children's Service response to domestic abuse
781-647-JFCS (5327) - Center for Violence Prevention and Recovery: Safe Transitions at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
617-667-8141 - Shalom Task Force
You can also call Safe Havens Interfaith Partnership Against Domestic Violence at 617-654-1818/1821 for help in finding a clergy person who can be a resource for you.
Other JDVC Members That Can Help
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Passageway
617-732-8753 - Casa Myrna Vasquez
877-785-2020 - Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Program at Newton-Wellesley Hospital
617-243-6521 - REACH Beyond Domestic Violence
800-899-4000 - The Second Step
Coalition Initiatives
Community and Professional Training
Topics include:
- Domestic Abuse in the Jewish Community
- Dating Abuse (for teens and/or adults)
- Domestic Abuse and the Law
- Domestic Abuse Workshop for Mental Health Professionals and Health Care Providers
- Effects of Domestic Abuse on Children
Please contact jdvc@jfcsboston.org to learn more about our community trainings or to request a speaker.
Poster Campaign
The JDVC organizes a poster campaign for Jewish institutions and organizations throughout Greater Boston and beyond. These 8 1/2 x 11" posters list help numbers for abuse survivors. If you would like JDVC posters to hang up at your agency, office, synagogue, school, organization, or other location, please contact jdvc@jfcsboston.org or download the PDF.
Network of Religiously- and Culturally-Informed Professionals
Through education and outreach, the JDVC works to create a network of health care providers, educators, clergy, attorneys, and other community professionals who are trained to recognize abuse and respond to Jewish survivors in a religiously and culturally sensitive way.
What You Can Do
- If you need help or are concerned about someone you know, reach out and make a call for help.
- Talk about the reality of domestic abuse in the Jewish community.
- Display JDVC posters.
- Invite a speaker to your synagogue, agency, or community meeting.
- Host an event with JDVC.
Contact JDVC at jdvc@jfcsboston.org for more information.
Coalition Members
- Brigham and Women's Hospital, Passageway
- Casa Myrna
- Center for Violence Prevention and Recovery/Safe Transitions at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
- Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston
- Jewish Community Relations Council
- Journey to Safety
- Mayyim Hayyim
- Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Program at Newton-Wellesley Hospital
617-243-6521 - REACH Beyond Domestic Violence
- Safe Havens Interfaith Partnership Against Domestic Violence
- The Second Step